Smart City User Friendly Street
The level of user-friendliness on our city streets is an important quality to ensure people come and enjoy the city, especially the commercial area. A successful street is part of the public space in cities, measured by how well they attract people and how many people are present. Rahman et al. (2016) described the three factors that influence the user friendliness of the city streets; perception of safety, comfort and accessibility for walking are the factors that make city streets attractive. Comfort refers to the quality of a street that enables people to use it without physical or mental distraction and disorder. The factor of safety includes the condition where people have no fear of tripping/falling, being run over or being attacked in the streets. While accessibility is defined as the physical conditions of the streets that are connected to each other, enabling user reach despite mobility level and close to local services and facilities.
Rahman, N. A., Sakip, S. R. M., & Nayan, N. M. (2016). Physical qualities and activities for a user-friendly shopping street in the context of a Malaysian city. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 222, 196-202.