Placemaking for Smart Walkable City
Improving the quality of the streets that are inviting and attractive is one way to increase the walkability of a street. Enhancing the quality of experience of the local street, or place-making, can also encourage the use of public space especially in areas that are socio-economically disadvantaged. Some street-scale design elements that can support this strategy includes increasing the coverage of sidewalks, addressing safety hazards in the sidewalks (such as trip hazards), good quality street crossing, public art, comfortable street furniture, providing buffer between sidewalks and streets or other traffic calming features; and encouraging variety of building design and uses.
Placemaking not only addresses the walkability issues in the local community but also promotes people’s health, happiness and wellbeing, as active use of the streets invites people to move and interact in their local neighbourhood. Beside improving the quality, safety and design of the sidewalk, certain activities can be introduced to places that may have been underutilised and transform them into pop-up retail of service, repurposing empty lots as open social space and redesigning parking areas for café seating or performance space.
Young, D. R., Cradock, A. L., Eyler, A. A., Fenton, M., Pedroso, M., Sallis, J. F., & American Heart Association Advocacy Coordinating Committee. (2020). Creating built environments that expand active transportation and active living across the United States: a policy statement from the American heart association. Circulation, 142(11), e167-e183.