Integrated Intervention Logic in Designing Smart City
December 17, 2021

Integrated Intervention Logic in Designing Smart City

Housing affordability, traffic congestion, air pollution are common issues that cities across the world face with the pressure from various human activities. However, despite the similarities, each city may also have issues unique to them due to the varying socio economic or geographical condition.

Housing affordability, traffic congestion, air pollution are common issues that cities across the world face with the pressure from various human activities. However, despite the similarities, each city may also have issues unique to them due to the varying socio economic or geographical condition. An approach called, integrated intervention logic, may be beneficial to be adopted in cities in effort of achieving smart city in their governance. It is an approach that see smart city issues as a holistic challenge, thus intervention must cut across multitude of domains and extends the benefit of ICT solution to various policy sector in the city. For example, establishment of an engagement platform is a useful tool to gain knowledge from the people on what they need in the city, which is not only useful to the process of planning for future goals, but also as feedback of ongoing services that city provides. The platform not only benefits different stage of smart city implementation but also useful for numerous sectors of services. This holistic approach to problem is not only essential in setting solutions but also in road mapping the intervention, thus overlap of authorities, projects, technological tools and vision can be avoided.  


Mora, L., Deakin, M., & Reid, A. (2019). Strategic principles for smart city development: A multiple case study analysis of European best practices. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 142, 70-97.

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