A guide to improve urban smartness and sustainability for Australian Cities
October 8, 2021

A guide to improve urban smartness and sustainability for Australian Cities

Responding to the finding of five key factors that are affecting the smart city transformation readiness, Yigitcanlar et al. (2021) developed four steps that could help policy maker, planners, and city managers to encourage smart and sustainable cities. 

Responding to the finding of five key factors that are affecting the smart city transformation readiness, Yigitcanlar et al. (2021) developed four steps that could help policy maker, planners, and city managers to encourage smart and sustainable cities. 

  1. Establish networks, to foster regional and international relationship and connectedness that is crucial for smart city development. City should facilitate movement of physical goods and communication, such as upgrading the transportation networks and internet networks and making them more faster, cheaper, reliable and sustainable. 
  2. Improve physical and social infrastructure, it has been proven that the improvement of social infrastructure such as libraries, community centre, sporting and recreational facilities leads to the enhancement of the people’s wellbeing and liveability. This should go hand in hand with the upgrade on the physical infrastructure and accessibility. 
  3. Increase density, this is a mean of limiting urban sprawl that could lead to ecological and agricultural land further damaged. Examples of related policy is to prioritise infill development and transit-oriented planning strategies. 
  4. Encourage innovation and employment opportunities, local government should focus on promoting cutting edge technology, ideas and business to improve the innovation value in their city. This could translates to encouraging start-ups and developing dedicated innovation district that shares similar and complementary idea and resource. 


Yigitcanlar, T., Degirmenci, K., Butler, L., & Desouza, K. C. (2021). What are the key factors affecting smart city transformation readiness? Evidence from Australian cities. Cities, 103434.

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